ponedjeljak, 24. lipnja 2013.

Vaš pas je možda svetac

Preneseno iz članka http://www.medievalists.net/2013/06/23/medieval-pet-names/

There is also the story of Guinefort, the saint dog – in the 13th century Stephen de Bourbon explains that the peasants near the French city of Lyons were saying prayers at the grave of a dog named Guinefort and reporting that he was doing miracles, especially for infants. He inquired with the peasants and learned this story:

četvrtak, 20. lipnja 2013.

utorak, 18. lipnja 2013.

Fahrenheit 451 na Bosporu

Jao državi koja se od vlastitog naroda brani uništavanjem knjiga!

ponedjeljak, 3. lipnja 2013.

Srednji vijek je nazadan?

Molim vas - uozbiljite se. Tko npr. ovo može nazvati nazadnim?